We want to support the well-being of our residents, promoting healthy life choices and addressing the adverse impacts of poverty. We will focus on actions to support the sustainability of the care sector and work with our partners to provide good quality and seamless social care to those in need. We will ensure that visitors and residents of Conwy are safe, and that vulnerable people are safeguarded.
What we want the future to look like: We want to create an environment where safeguarding is everyone’s business and no one is harmed. We will enable people to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. We want people to be self-caring, to make healthy lifestyle choices, and live as well as possible with chronic health issues. We will have reduced the adverse impact of poverty. By supporting the care sector, we will have ensured that the right care is available when it is needed, and that meets the needs of Conwy’s changing demographic population.
In support of this goal, between 2025 and 2027 we will:
Continue to work with our partners to modernise social care and education, delivering seamless services of a high quality that meet the needs of our changing demographic. We want to maintain our focus on early-intervention, prevention and reablement work.
Work with our local and regional partners to safeguard children, young people and adults from harm, abuse, and exploitation. This includes mandatory training of staff.
Provide access to culture and active well-being opportunities that supports the health of our residents and visitors, and contributes to the prevention agenda. We will also continue to work with schools and community-based settings to support the health, well-being and resilience of our children, young people, and families.
Support the needs of carers to enable them to continue their important work.
Develop our Conwy Anti-Poverty Strategy, which will include raising awareness about poverty and social inclusion.
Work with partners to support community cohesion and community safety.
Continue to work with our partners to ensure the sustainability of the care sector. This includes community groups and social enterprises.
Grow our internal resources to provide a range of care and accommodation options to support our citizens locally.
Our work to deliver these commitments will directly contribute to the following National Well-being Goals:
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of cohesive communities
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
Next: We want to hear your views