There are 11 cemeteries in Conwy. Burials can be offered for all denominations and include a wide variety of memorials and types of internment including 3 woodland burial sites.
Bron y Nant Cemetery, Mochdre | Cae Melwr Cemetery, Llanrwst | Erw Feiriol Cemetery, Llanfairfechan | Erw Hedd Cemetery, Betws y Coed | Great Orme Cemetery, Llandudno | Llangwstenin Cemetery, Glanwydden | Llanrhos Cemetery | Rhandir Hedd Cemetery, Llanfairfechan | St Agnes Cemetery, Conwy | St Gwynan's Cemetery, Dwygyfylchi | Tan y Foel Cemetery, Penmaenmawr
Cemeteries and facilities
The cemeteries are open 24 hours a day all year round, and all cemeteries are accessible to everyone.
Water is available in all cemeteries.
- Facilities:
- cemetery office
- two chapels
- crematorium
- toilets
- garden of rememberance
- memorials
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- wall niches
- ashes memorials
- ashes scattering
- Facilities: toilets
- Interments:
- grave spaces: no new graves
- ashes burials: no new graves
- Interments:
- grave spaces: no new graves
- ashes burials: no new graves
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- ashes burials
- Facilities: toilets
- Interments:
- grace spaces: no new graves
- ashes burials: limited availability
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- ashes burials
- Facilities:
- toilets
- garden of remembrance
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- ashes burials
- children’s section
- Muslim burials
- Jewish burials
- woodland burials
- Facilities: toiledau
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- ashes burials
- woodland burials
- Interments:
- grace spaces: no new graves
- ashes burials: limited availability
- Interments:
- grace spaces: no new graves
- ashes burials: limited availability
- Interments:
- grave spaces
- ashes burials
- woodland burials
If you have any questions about Conwy’s cemeteries, please call 01492 577733 or email us at