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Changes to Development Management Processes

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Welsh Government has introduced a number of changes to the Planning process (with effect from 16th March 2016) which includes:

Changes to Design and Access Statements - The requirement to submit a DAS with a planning application will only apply to the following

  • All planning applications for "major" development except those for mining operations; waste developments; relaxation of conditions (section '73' applications) and applications of a material change in use of land or buildings.
  • All planning applications for development in a conservation area2 or World Heritage Site3 which consist of the provision of one or more dwellings or the creation of floorspace of 100 sq. m. (gross) or more.

The DAS should explain the following

  • explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development.
  • demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account.
  • explain the policy or approach adopted as to access and how policies relating to access in the development plan have been taken into account
  • explain how specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.

Notification of initiation of development - developers now need to inform the Local Planning Authority and submit a form detailing that intend to commence development on major planning schemes.  Please note any pre-commencement conditions must be complied with before development commences

There is now a charge for amendments major applications that have not been determined - post submission amendments.

For further information and guidance on all the new changes to Planning Process, including the new pre-application consultation which is a validation requirement for major development from 1st August 2016, please visit the Welsh Government website.

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