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Comment on a Planning Application

Summary (optional)
Anyone can object to, support or comment on a planning application.
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Most planning applications allow 21 days for people to submit comments. You can view any comments on planning applications by searching online using our Planning Explorer.

Your comments, objections or support should be sent by email or in writing. We don't accept anonymous or telephone submissions.

Comments must include:

  • Date
  • Your name and address
  • Application number
  • Site address

How do I object, support or comment on a planning application?

  • Email - You can send your views to us at 
  • In writing - If you wish to post your comments to us, please clearly quote the application number (in the format 0/#####).  Also make it clear to us whether you are objecting, supporting or commenting on an application.

Letters should be sent to the following address:

Development Management
PO Box 1
LL30 9GN

What can I comment on?

We will look at all comments we receive about a planning application, but we can only take into account planning issues. These include:

  • Our planning polices contained in the Local Development Plan (LDP), such as policies about providing land for housing
  • Planning advice from the Welsh Government such as Planning Policy Wales or Technical Advice Notes
  • Principle - if you feel that the nature of the proposal is wrong and the use of land or property should not change
  • Overlooking – if the height or closeness of the development would allow occupants to look over onto surrounding areas or properties
  • Overshadowing – if the height or closeness of the development would affect the amount of natural light currently enjoyed by surrounding areas or properties
  • Disturbance – if the proposal would spoil the area due to noise, traffic, hours of use, general disturbance or odour
  • Overbearing – if the scale of the development has an overpowering impact on surrounding areas or properties
  • Out-of-character – if the design or appearance of the development, its scale and use, appears to be unlike other properties in the area
  • Highway safety – if the proposal would affect road safety. For example, pedestrian safety, causing parking problems, preventing drivers from seeing clearly or being able to move easily.
  • Historic conservation – if the proposal would affect the setting of listed buildings or conservation areas
  • Wildlife – if the proposal would affect local wildlife and protected trees

What we don’t consider

We do not usually consider:

  • loss of view or aspect
  • civil covenants or agreements between land owners
  • personal matters about the specific applicant
  • land ownership disputes (for example, objections that a development will make inroads on someone else's land or break a rule in the deeds of private properties, are not planning matters.)
  • boundary disputes
  • whether work has begun
  • changes to land or property values
  • construction noise

Publishing comments

Legally we must make sure that all responses to planning applications are put on the public register. We do this by putting your comments on our website.

Your comment, name and address will be published. This may mean your name and address can be searched through internet browsers.

To protect your personal data, we will remove any signature, email address or telephone number before publishing.

We will not publish:

  • anonymous or ‘in confidence’ comments
  • unsuitable comments

Unsuitable comments

We will not publish comments that we think contain the following:

  • defamatory, libellous, racist, obscene or offensive remarks
  • sensitive personal information (for example, matters about individuals' health, age or background or personal details of children that live at a particular home).

We may publish part of your submission, removing the unsuitable comments. We will usually tell you about this decision. We will not invite you to make further comments if this delays deciding the planning application.

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