Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

2. Needs Assessment

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2a.  Needs Assessment Process

The needs assessment process has involved partners from VAWDASV; Mental Health; Vulnerable Persons; Integrated Disability; Current Housing Support Grant Providers and those who use the services.  Our Housing Strategy Team and Homeless Prevention Team have also contributed to this assessment as well as the Housing Support Grant Team and Single Pathway.

The following documents and sources of information/consultation were used in preparing the needs assessment and confirms where our gaps in services are:

  • Population needs assessment
  • Local authority well-being assessment
  • Homelessness statistics and other housing data such as waiting lists
  • Welsh index of multiple deprivation
  • Feedback from service users and providers
  • Regional VAWDASV needs assessments
  • Outcomes data
  • Needs data from providers
  • Pathway data
  • Unmet needs data over the last 12 months from providers, homelessness reviews

Questionnaires were sent to Providers for them to complete and they have also been consulted on the draft needs assessment as part of the process.

The link to Conwy’s Housing Support Grant Needs Assessment will be added when this Strategy is finalised.

2b.  Key Findings

Referrals to the Pathway and feedback from Providers have highlighted increases in complex cases, particularly for those who have mental health issues along with other issues; and referrals for people experiencing domestic abuse issues.  We also have an increase in young people finding themselves homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Due to the changing needs of our clients more services are needed to meet the needs  of people experiencing mental health issues and for those who have substance misuse issues.  This is evident through our outcomes data and in our feedback from Providers. There is a lack of single person accommodation for those who are homeless and those moving on from supported accommodation.  Affordable housing due to the changes in the property market is also becoming a wider issue.  This will be  addressed  through the Council’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan; through its Social Housing Grant Programme and other housing schemes such as Tai Teg and HAWS.

Accommodation and services for offenders has also been identified as a gap via Conwy’s Homeless Prevention Officer who works with prison leavers and offenders; referrals via our Pathway have also increased for this cohort of people.

2c.  Conclusion

As a result of the needs assessment and consultation with service users and relevant stakeholders  the priorities listed below in Section 3 have been agreed.

In addition regional commissioning will be undertaken,  where it is appropriate to do so, prevention services will be increased and Conwy’s Rapid Rehousing Transitional Plan will be developed.

The Housing Support Grant Team will also look to implement a Psychologically Informed approach to reviewing and monitoring, which will consider how  feedback from the people that use the services is obtained.  The feedback provided as part of the needs assessment from those that use the services and Providers will also be taken forward during the next 2 years.  Providers will  be expected to be working towards a psychologically informed approach to delivery of support.

Regionally the  Housing Support Grant services will be promoted more widely.  The Regional Development Coordinator will implement regional priorities, including exploring the need for a specific LGBTQ+ service and a Regional Hoarding Team, whilst continuing to contribute towards the Regional IDVA service.

Next Page:  3. Strategic Priorities

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