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Home Archived Draft Housing Support Programme Consultation 6. Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing the Strategy

6. Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing the Strategy

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6a.  Working with Partners

As part of the consultation process people were asked how they would like to be involved in implementing the strategy.

Conwy’s Strategic Housing Partnership will retain overall control of the Strategy and will receive regular updates from the Housing Support Grant Team on how the priorities are being implemented.

The Housing Support Grant Team, along with other partners in Conwy, will look to further  promote the Housing Support Grant and what the impacts of the services are – these will include case studies; service user feedback; attending events and also our regional document Our People’s Stories will be updated by the Regional Development Coordinator.

Conwy currently has good relationships with partners in Health, Care and Criminal Justice and will continue to work with them to deliver the identified priorities.

6b.  Funding Sources

In order to deliver the  priorities the following funding will be used in Conwy:

  • Housing Support Grant
  • Local authority funding
  • Social Housing Grant
  • Statutory Homeless Funding to compliment the preventative services


6c.  Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluation Arrangements

During the first two years there will be a review of the information that is required to review our priorities and monitor any changes in the needs identified via Conwy’s Single Pathway Data; Outcomes Data and Homelessness data, as well as any anecdotal evidence.

In line with the HSG Conditions the Strategy and Action Plan will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated as follows:

Quarterly; six monthly and annual progress reports will be prepared and shared with the following groups/partners:

    • Strategic Housing Partnership
    • Conwy’s HSG Planning Group
    • Regional Housing Support Collaborative Group
    • Welsh Government

The strategy and priorities will be reviewed in 2023 to ensure the document is up-to-date and fit for purpose.

The review will take account of progress made, internal and external factors that influence the implementation of the strategy and changing needs of service users.

Next Page:  Annexe A -  Action Plan

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