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5. Impact Assessments

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5a.  Impact Assessment Process

An integrated Impact Assessment has been carried out along with an Equality Impact Assessment which includes Welsh Language and Socio-economic Duty.  These assessments help to understand the following:

  • Gain a better understanding of those who may be impacted by the policy or practice
  • Better meet differing needs and become more accessible and inclusive
  • Enable planning for success – identifies potential pitfalls and unintended consequences before any damage is done
  • Enable improved planning that will make decisions proactive rather than reactive, avoid having to reverse decisions which could have cost and reputational implications
  • Demonstrate decisions are thought through and have taken into account the views of those affected
  • Enable us to manage expectations by explaining the limitations within which we are working (e.g. budget)
  • Help avoid risks and improve outcomes for individuals
  • Remove inappropriate or harmful practices and eliminate institutional discrimination
  • Ensure we put Welsh and English Language on an equal footing and that decisions are made that safeguard and promote the use of the Welsh language

Integrated Impact Assessment

The above assessment involved the following:

  • Background about your initiative
  • Equality duty; Socio-economic duty and Welsh language impact considerations
  • How it fits into Conwy's well-being goals
  • Appraising sustainability

Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessment

The above assessment involved the steps listed below:

  • Step 1 - Identify the Main Aims and Objectives of the Policy or Practice
  • Step 2 - Data, Engagement and Assessing the Impact
  • Step 3 - Procurement and Partnerships
  • Step 4 - Dealing with Adverse or Unlawful Impact and Strengthening the Policy or Practice
  • Step 5 - Decision to Proceed
  • Step 6 - Actions and Arrangements for Monitoring Outcomes and Reviewing Data
  • Step 7 - Publishing the Equality Impact Assessment


5b.  Key findings

In summary the majority of the impacts were positive.  Projects / services commissioned with Housing Support Grant funding promote  positive engagement with people who use the services.  Services are person centred and promote independence whilst taking into account any of the protected characteristics; socio-economic duties and consideration and promotion of the Welsh Language.

Some gaps in data collection were identified,which will be rectified by April 2022 when additional information will be requested from Providers and also from those who are referring people for services.

Next Page:  6. Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing the Strategy

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