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4. Stakeholder Engagement

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4a.  Stakeholders engaged with

During the course of producing this Strategy consultation has been undertaken with Service Users; Probation; Health; Social Care; Providers of current HSG commissioned services; Housing Strategy and Homeless Services.

The consultation has, unfortunately due to COVID restrictions, had to be done via email and surveys.  We will look to have additional forms of consultation for the updated Strategy in 2024.

4b.  Stakeholder feedback

In October 2021 Housing Support Grant Lead Officers agreed to join together to consult with Providers and Service Users in the production of their individual HSG Needs Assessments which in turn has informed the priorities detailed in this Strategy.


In total there were 113 responses for North Wales, 28 of those stated they were responding for Conwy.  Questions were asked  around emerging trends; complexity of cases since the pandemic and rapid rehousing.

Emerging Trends / Complexity of Referrals

Providers stated that some people had developed social anxiety and felt isolated following the periods of lockdown due to the pandemic.  People were also getting into financial difficulties due to increases in their bills and/or changes in their income.  Relationship breakdown was another reason for people needing services and/or becoming homeless.  Access to mental health services was also raised  as a gap in service.

Rapid Rehousing

Part of our consultation with Providers also asked them the following questions about Rapid Rehousing.

  • What barriers do you think your authority will face to rapidly rehouse successfully?
  • Where do you see your service or organisation offering value to a rapid rehousing approach?
  • How achievable do you think the Rapid Rehousing model will be in your authority?
  • What are you hoping to see in your authority’s Rapid Rehousing Plan?

A significant barrier that Conwy faces is the lack of accommodation in to which to rehouse people.

Organisations were generally supportive of Rapid Rehousing, provided there was enough stock to meet people’s needs.  Organisations were also prepared to offer stock and  support for those who were rehoused.  Feedback in general was that the plan would be achievable given that the area is not as large as some cities.  However some felt that 5 years would not be achievable.  Organisations would like to see suitable affordable accommodation particular for young people with support if required in Conwy’s plan.  The Plan should also be clear in terms of strategy and delivery.

Other feedback

Providers were asked if there was a good awareness of the HSG Programme in Conwy.  8 respondents said they weren’t aware and 5 were unsure.  The HSG Team will be looking to promote the programme over the next 2 years to ensure agencies are able to access services for the people they are working with.  Some Providers also commented that they thought access to services could be improved  - this will also be taken forward by the Single Pathway Officer and the HSG Team.

Providers were asked whether  they had any issues with recruitment.  There was a mixed response to this, with some Providers saying that they had not needed to recruit but some said that there had been issues recruiting staff due to the complexities of some of the people now requiring support; short term contracts provided by commissioners; uncertainty in the employment market and for some the salaries they are able to offer in relation to the demands of the role not being enough.

Service Users

The following gives a brief overview of key feedback from service users who responded for Conwy.  In total there were 103 responses for Conwy out of a total of 531 for North Wales.

A link to Conwy’s Housing Support Grant Needs Assessment will be added when this Strategy is finalised.  

How people knew where to get help or who to contact to get help

64 people advised that they knew where to go for help, there were 34 people who answered that they didn’t know where to turn. Over a third of responders didn’t know how they would access help without assistance.

How they would like to receive support going forward

A clear majority of individuals  would prefer to continue to have face to face support.  Not many people felt that they wanted to have support via virtual calls and this is an important aspect to consider going forward when discussing staff retuning to office settings and conducting home visits.


Quality of their accommodation

Only 6 responders stated that their accommodation was poor or very poor, whereas 96 responders rated their accommodation as satisfactory or above.  Whilst this is a positive response, the Housing Support Grant Team will be doing a review of supported accommodation over the next 12 months to inform Conwy’s Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.

Affordability of rented accommodation

The majority of responders advised that they may be able to afford current rental prices; however there were an even amount of people who said yes and no to being able to afford a tenancy of their own.

Service users advised that:

    • I would not be able to afford private rent
    • Yes would rather not go private sector
    • I would need it paid by benefits
    • Probably not doesn’t bother me
    • I'm hoping I will complete my Catering Course and find employment but there needs to be more affordable houses available or prefab buildings studios etc. for single people this will take the stress away and cheaper rents so at least we can budget and be better off in work
    • lack of hope
    • I get full housing benefit due to my disability and wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise
    • It makes me quite worried. I plan on being in college for a few more years, which is going to make it difficult to rent
    • It makes me feel hopeless because there's no housing in the area I want to live, and I couldn't afford it even if there was
    • Simply can’t afford them

When considering how feedback has been obtained there is however, an absence of feedback from some sources.  These include:

  • those who have not benefitted from services
  • those who have left services into homelessness
  • those who may have been refused for support services following interaction with providers

The Housing Support Grant Team will be looking at this going forward.

Next Page:  5.  Impact Assessments

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