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Annexe A - Action Plan

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Priority 1:  Moving towards a Rapid Rehousing approach including early intervention and targeted prevention


1.1  Increase the supply of affordable housing


1.1.1  Action:  Publish robust up-to-date local housing need information to support development plans

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Develop a Local Housing Market Assessment in line with the new Welsh Government guidelines  Strategic Housing Partnership  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2024  Published report; Stakeholder engagement
 Review Conwy's Local Housing Prospectus  RSL Development Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Bi-annually April, October  Published report
 Carry out Housing Research studies in rural communities  RSL Development Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Published report
 Prepare quarterly specialist housing report  RSL Development Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Published report
Prepare quarterly social and intermediate housing demand report RSL Development Group Staff time - within existing structure Quarterly Published report


1.1.2  Action:  Increase the supply of new affordable housing to meet local housing need

 TaskDelivery Group Resources Timescale  Measure
 Manage the Programme Development Plan in partnership with the zoned Housing Associations to make best use of Welsh Government Funding and develop 'the right accommodation in the right areas'.  RSL Development Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Annual measure:

Number of units funded by size and tenure.

Comparison of the supply and demand data.

Total amount of Social Housing Grant spent including any additional funding.

Number of new affordable homes delivered by size and tenure.

 Work in partnership with key stakeholders to develop community led housing in rural areas  Affordable Housing Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Number of units planned and/or delivered by size and tenure.

Number of local people who are able to remain within their communities.
 Work in partnership with key stakeholders to develop a housing led approach to regenerating town centres  Strategic Housing Partnership  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Number of units planned and/or delivered by size and tenure.

Number of empty units brought back into use.
 Work with the Affordable Housing Programme Board to deliver affordable housing on public sector land  Affordable Housing Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure.

Social Housing Grant.
 Quarterly  Land used to deliver affordable housing.

Number of units planned and/or delivered by size and tenure.

Grant allocated to support the development.
 Comment on all housing planning applications to ensure the correct mix of affordable housing is delivered  Affordable Housing Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure  Quarterly  Number of units planned and/or delivered by size and tenure.
Explore innovative solutions to reduce the waiting time for smaller and larger social housing properties (e.g. shared housing pilot / pods) RSL Development Group

Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding required (unknown costs at present).

March 2023 Number of units planned and/or delivered by size and tenure
 Acquire target property numbers to the Leasing Scheme Wales scheme  Private Sector Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding in place.
   Number of units delivered by size and tenure


1.1.3  Action:  Continue to make best use of existing housing stock

 TaskDelivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Develop and implement a consistent approach to rightsizing activities and communication across North Wales  Regional rightsizing strategic group  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2023  New scheme is developed and implemented.

Number of tenants downsizing.

Reduced waiting time for larger properties.
 Review existing Local Letting Policies  Social Housing Management Group  Staff time - within existing structure  December 2022  All LLPs are up to date and are regularly monitored to ensure fit for purpose
 Review the allocation policy in partnership with the SARTH partners, including a plan for vacancy control  SARTH Steering Group  Staff time - within existing structure  December 2023  Revised policy in place
 Explore options to bring empty properties back into use as affordable housing  Empty Homes Working Group  Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding required - approximately 30 units £750,000 (£25,000 per unit)
 June 2022 - December 2022  New scheme is developed and implemented.

Number of empty properties brought back into use and rented/sold at an affordable rate.
 Utilise other funding opportunities to develop initiatives to increase the supply of private rented sector accommodation  Private Sector Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding required (unknown costs at present).
Ongoing   New scheme is developed and implemented.

Number of units delivered by size and tenure.
 Consider the review of existing planning policies or the implementation of new policies that will increase the availability of PRS accommodation  Affordable Housing Delivery Group  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2024  
 Consider flipping leased temporary accommodation a) leased from RSLs, b) leased from private landlords to HAWS portfolio  Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2024  Number of permanent units delivered by size and tenure


1.2  Transform the quality and use of temporary accommodation


1.2.1  Action:  Ensure temporary accommodation is fit for purpose

 TaskDelivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Review Bed and Breakfast accommodation to ensure that the property standards meet the requirements of the Suitability Order  Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group  Staff time - within new Homelessness Prevention Team structure.  £1,324,350

Capital funding required to purchase new software - costs unknown.
 March 2024  Report detailing recommendations.

Implement recommendations.


1.2.2  Action:  Ensure people living in temporary accommodation are moved on as quickly as possible

Task  Delivery GroupResources  Timescale Measure
 Review longstanding temporary accommodation households in order to develop a plan for each that will facilitate move on to settled accommodation  Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group  Staff time - within new Homelessness Prevention Team structure (costs provided above)  March 2024  Applicants are moved on and waiting time is reduced
Utilise funding opportunities to develop new approaches to the provision of short term temporary accommodation Affordable Housing Delivery Group Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding required - costs unknown.
Ongoing New provision funded and/or in place


1.3  Ensure support is available to those in need


1.3.1  Action:  Ensure HSG funded service meet identified needs

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Review floating support services  New group to be set up  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2024  Report detailing recommendations
 Review supported housing provision  New group to be set up  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2024  Report detailing recommendations
 Review IT computer systems used to capture data  New group to be set up  Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital funding required to purchase new software - costs unknown.
 March 2024  New system in place.

Support needs are captured and can be used inform service planning.
 Conside4r the need for a triage centre that provides a holistic approach to support services  New group to be set up  Staff time - within existing structure.

Capital and revenue funding required to set up triage centre.
 March 2024  Report detailing recommendations


1.4  Strengthen partnership working arrangements with key services to ensure homelessness prevention is prioritised across all services


1.4.1  Action:  Transition to a rapid rehousing approach using the Council's project management framework

Task Delivery Group Resources  Timescale Measure
 Identify and engage with key partners to establish the necessary monitoring and delivery groups  Strategic Housing Partnership  Staff time - within existing structure  January 2023  Partners provide Contribution Statements that identify their role in homelessness prevention work.

Project management framework is in place to deliver the Plan.


1.4.2  Action:  Develop a corporate approach to homelessness prevention

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Review existing working arrangements between internal departments and identify areas for improvement  Strategic Housing Partnership  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2023  Improvement actions are identified and implemented


1.4.3  Action:  Improve communication between all key stakeholders

 TaskDelivery Group  ResourcesTimescale  Measure
 Promote the rapid rehousing message with key stakeholders  Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group  Staff time - within existing structure  March 2022  Strategic goals are aligned
Review existing communication channels between key stakeholders including referral processes and monitoring outcomes Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group Staff time - within existing structure March 2024 New referral processes in place
Develop a communication plan to improve the availability and accessibility of information to support people at risk of homelessness, to help them make an informed decision about their housing options and mange their expectations Rapid Rehousing Strategic Group Staff time - within existing structure June 2023 Communication plan in place and new communication available in a range of formats, promoted using various communication channels



Priority 2:  To end Youth Homelessness


2.1  Action:  Ensure young people at risk of homelessness who approach services receive appropriate advice and assistance

 TaskDelivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Develop a communication plan to improve the availability and accessibility of information to support young people at risk of homelessness, to help them make an informed decision about their housing options and manage their expectations        
Review the young person's protocol with Social Care        
Develop a protocol with Education to ensure young people are referred for advice and assistance as soon as they can        



Priority 3:  To increase the availability of services for those who have offending behaviour to regain their place in the community


3.1  Action:  Develop a range of services for people who have offending behaviour

 Task Delivery GroupResources Timescale Measure 
 Engage with key partners to identify any gaps in service  HSG Planning Group  Staff time - within existing structure  2023  Services are trauma informed, targeted and meet the needs of those with offending behaviour
 Look at provision across the region to see where good practice is taking place for this client group which will inform any commissioning        
 Review current supported housing and floating support provision following identification of gaps and need        
 Tender exercise to be completed        


3.2  Action:  Expand on the work done with prison leavers prior to their release to ensure the best use of resources

Task  Delivery GroupResources Timescale Measure 
     Staff time - within existing structure  Ongoing  Support prison leavers to avoid homelessness on release and for those who have a history of offending


3.3  Action:  Increase staffing within the Homelessness Prevention Team to support those who have a history of offending and for those who are due for release

 TaskDelivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
     New post to be recruited to  2023  Additional resources in place



Priority 4:  To expand the provision of support services to meet increase in demand for those who are presenting with complex needs


4.1  Action:  Develop an approach to responding to people who have complex needs

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale  Measure
 Engage key partners and agree a format for a multi-agency Complex Needs Panel for early intervention and multi-agency support    Staff time - within existing structure  2024  Referral pathways in place


4.2  Action:  Review the work of the Collaborative Outreach Programme and learn lessons on how to manage complex needs and open up pathways into support

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
   RHSCG  NW HSG Leads & RDC  2023  Increase in referrals to the programme and better understanding of managing those with complex needs


4.3  Action:  Develop Service Level Agreements with key public service areas to enable positive commitments for joint working on matters relating to complex needs

 Task Delivery GroupResources Timescale Measure 


4.4  Action:  Review the current provision commissioned following identification of gaps and need

Task Delivery Group Resources Timescale Measure 
 Engage key partners to identify gaps and need for services  HSG Planning Group  Staff time - within existing structure  2024  Services are trauma informed, targeted and meet the needs of those with complex support needs
 Tender exercise to be completed for any new services or remodelling of services  HSG Planning Group Staff time - within existing structure   2024  Services are trauma informed, targeted and meet the needs of those with complex support needs



Priority 5:  To provide additional services for people fleeing domestic abuse


5.1  Action:  Develop services the meet the needs of people who are fleeing domestic abuse

Task  Delivery GroupResources Timescale  Measure
 Work with the VAWDASV Regional Team and current services to identify need for services  HSG Planning Group  Staff time - within existing structure  2025  Services are trauma informed, targeted and meet the needs of those fleeing domestic abuse
 Review current provision following the identification of need and gaps  HSG Planning Group  Staff time - within existing structure  2025  Services are trauma informed, targeted and meet the needs of those fleeing domestic abuse


Next Page:  Survey

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