Who are we?
The Outreach Service is delivered jointly with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. The service comprises of:
- a team of Specialist Speech and Language Teaching Assistants;
- specialist Speech and Language Therapists;
- an Educational Psychologist.
Who is the Service for?
The service is available to support primary and secondary aged children and young people who have been identified as:
- experiencing a Speech and/or Language Disorder, and
- the difficulty is having a significant impact upon the person’s development/progress.
What do we do?
- The service provides direct therapy and/or in class support for children and young people in their mainstream school. This is delivered by the Teaching Assistant, under the direction and supervision of a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.
- The number of therapy/support sessions each child receives is dependent on the underlying clinical need and the intensity of the provision they require.
How are we accessed?
- The service has referral criteria which must be demonstrated.
- If it is felt that a child or young person is experiencing needs that meet the service criteria a request is considered by the County’s multi-agency ALN Moderation Panel on receipt of the necessary information.
- Prior to such a request there will have been involvement from the Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT).
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